Archive for June, 2024
2024 Campout
Bowra Nature Reserve – 9th-13th September
The AWSRG biennial gathering will be held this year at Bowra (Australian Wildlife Conservancy) Nature Reserve in south-west Queensland.

As with our 2022 gathering at Gluepot, this will be a BYO field meeting style event, with camping only.
Toilets and hot water showers are provided for campers.

Arrive Sunday 8th Sept. – Depart Saturday 14th Sept.
Note: Check-in at Bowra is from 2pm till 5pm daily.
Camping costs:
Powered site – 1 vehicle per site, 1 person: $30/day, additional adult $10/day. There are only two powered sites (one already taken).
Unpowered site – 1 vehicle per site, 1 person: $15/day, additional adult $10/day
Day visitors – Per vehicle $15/day
Accommodation is also available in Cunnamulla ranging from $130 to $170 per night for those that do not want to camp. However please note there is a curfew on vehicle movements within the reserve from dusk to first light, so anyone travelling to and from Cunnamulla will have to factor that in to their access.

Bookings, Payments:
There is no cost to attend from the AWSRG, only your camping fees payable to Bowra NR.
Bowra is not accepting online bookings for our gathering. Payment is by cash only on the day of arrival, so please have the correct amount with you in an envelope when checking in.
We will need to know numbers of attendees. To indicate your interest or enquire further, please contact Jeff –
mob: 0439 091 778

There will be no arranged catering for this gathering. Attendees will need to bring all food and personal supplies with them, so please think self sufficient.
There is a small bar fridge but it can only hold a certain amount. If you have a fridge in your vehicle, you’re encouraged to use that instead.
Cooking facilities are also very limited – we may have access to a small cooktop, and there is a microwave. Once again, preferable if you use cooking facilities in your vehicle.
We may purchase some morning/afternoon tea supplies collectively.
The shearing shed will be available to us for meetings and social events. It has 240V for charging phones, batteries etc.

The group’s data projector will be available, plus a stereo audio system. There is also a TV screen that will accept a USB input.
Presentations from members are welcomed, and can be delivered via USB stick or from your own laptop (HDMI or VGA input)
There is WiFi and internet near the shearing shed, and there is variable but good mobile phone access across the property.
Please note – there are no open fires allowed on Bowra Reserve.