ASRA 2021 Conference – Survival and Revival, Nov 9-11

Australasian Sound Recordings Association
2021 Conference – Survival and Revival
9-11 November 2021

Online Conference

Program & Ticket Registration

Announcing this year’s Australasian Sound Recordings Association’s conference Survival and Revival which will be held online from 9-11 November. The conference theme  is about the creation, use and preservation of sound recordings during the present time of pandemic, climate emergency and social and political upheaval. The program will examine new and shared challenges, collaborations and opportunities associated with sound recordings. It is aimed at sound archivists, audio engineers, broadcasters, publishers, sound creatives and field recordists.

Of special interest is the inclusion of an afternoon session (Thursday 11th Nov) devoted to environmental sound that will be moderated by Andrew Skeoch. The program includes AWSRG members, Tony Baylis, Mike Fitzgerald, Vicki Hallett and Ros Bandt, who will discuss a range of topics about the use of field/sound recordings in their respective practices. Topics include field recording in remote parts of Australasia, sound art case studies, the four seasons after the megablaze and an interrogation into why we record. In addition, Nat Grant will investigate the kinds of histories and memories that can be shared through making and experiencing field recordings and sound walks, and Alana Blackburn will discuss the collaborative process between sound designer and performer using sound recordings, focusing on her recent work on Regrowth with composer Ros Bandt.

Presenter’s abstracts, session times and ticket registrations are available at the conference website.

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