Earth Law – an introduction by Michelle Maloney

As we face a climate changed world and transition away from our destructive reliance of fossil fuels, human societies need to create new ways of working together and nurturing the wider Earth community – the need for new governance systems has never been greater.

Our April online seminar will be an introduction to Earth jurisprudence, an exciting approach that can reshape the way we protect of nature.

April 21st at 7.00pm AEST

Click here to register and receive the meeting link.

Dr Michelle Maloney is Co-Founder and National Convenor of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA), Adjunct Senior Fellow, Law Futures Centre, Griffith University; and Director of the New Economy Network Australia (NENA) and Future Dreaming Australia.

The Australian Earth Laws Alliance (AELA) is a national not-for-profit
organisation whose mission is to increase the understanding and
practical implementation of Earth centred governance in Australia, with a
focus on law, economics, education, ethics and the arts. AELA’s work is
inspired by the theory and practice of Earth jurisprudence, which is a
governance philosophy and growing social movement. Earth jurisprudence
proposes that we rethink our legal, political, economic and governance
systems so that they support, rather than undermine, the integrity and
health of the Earth.

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