Join us! – Ecoacoustics Congress, Brisbane, June 2018

How can sound deepen our understanding of the environment? What role can acoustic monitoring play in helping identify the presence of animals in a habitat? What indications of ecosystem health may analysis of soundscapes offer? And how can artists and musicians respond to the natural environment and scientific data through creative engagement?

These questions and more will bring researchers and artists from the world to Brisbane this June for the biennial Ecoacoustics Congress.

Ecoacoustics Congress, Brisbane June 2018

Ecoacoustics is a relatively newly-defined discipline, which operates in all types of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems to extend the scope of acoustics and bioacoustics.

That Australia is hosting this high-profile event is both an honour and very exciting. We will be getting to hear from leading global figures in research and the environmental arts. It is an opportunity not to be missed – really!

And the AWSRG will be there

We’re having a simple ‘display booth’ presence to engage with attendees and share our activities and projects. On the surface, it’ll be an opportunity to promote the AWSRG, but in practice we’re looking forward to a fascinating, diverse and, no doubt, very social event.

I invite any AWSRG members to join us. There are several of us already planning to attend, and we’re currently putting together ideas for our modest display. If you’d like to contribute in some way, please get in touch.

Early bird registration

Discounted registration is currently available, but will close Sunday, April 22nd (it’s been extended a week). Click here to register online.

The event will be held between June 24th to 28th, at the Queensland University of Technology and the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University.

The biennial Ecoacoustics Congress is organised by the International Society of Ecoacoustics (ISE), and this Australian event is organised by the Australasian Chapter of Ecoacoustics.(

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