The successful 2015 AWSRG Workshop
The 2015 AWSRG workshop was held at Little Desert Nature Lodge from 27th September to 2nd October 2015. This was a great success, with participants coming from far afield to attend.
Over the five days we heard a variety of speakers presenting on a range of topics ranging from field experiences, exotic destinations, sound editing and sound recognition software, the evolution of bird and mammal calls, how birdsong can inspire music, and more. There were also workshops, equipment comparisons, early morning dawn chorus sessions, sharing of sounds and reflecting on the future of the group. Then there was the more serious business of the AGM.
For more reading and sounds that were recorded, see Audio Wings Vol.17, No.2 and listen to CD No.33.
Here is a snapshot of the week, in images and sounds…

Some of those who attended, from back left to right: Arwen Ximenes, Fiona Baylis, Neil Boucher, June Boucher, Sue Boardman, Micheal Hannan, Margaret Elrick, Maureen Collier, Jill Plowright, Howard Plowright, David Secomb, Bob Tomkins, Kerry Watson.

Tony Baylis in the throws of organising the group photo

Bob Tomkins and Tony Baylis talking tactics

Andrew Skeoch getting enthusiastic about the evolution of birdsong

Session on recording rigs; a chance to compare microphones and recorders suitable for wildlife recording

Directional mics, parabolas… so many choices!

Brush-tailed bettong. Little Desert Nature Lodge has a captive breeding program within a feral proof enclosure.
Brush-tailed bettong chewing on an apple
During the night, brush-tailed possums could be heard around the Lodge
The feral-proof enclosure also hosted a pair of bush stone curlews, which could be heard calling at dawn.
A hooded robin, one of the first birds to be heard in the half light dawn chorus
Once the dawn chorus gets going, it was a wonder to listen to. This one features jacky winter, peaceful dove, white-plumed honeyeater, rufous whistler and white-eared honeyeater, superb fairy-wren & grey shrike-thrush
In nearby heathlands, tawny-crowned honeyeaters provided beautiful sounds at dawn
There were at least two families of white-winged choughs, which were a joy watch. This track is from two recordings. The first is a pair displaying, the second is young being fed by an adult.
At nightfall, Eastern banjo frogs began calling in the dams.
Thanks to Fred van Gessel for providing the photos, and David Secomb the audio.